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Maximizing the Benefits from Water and Environmental Sanitation: Proceedings of the 31st WEDC International Conference
Sam Kayaga (ed.)
623.854 KAY m
prosiding, water, environmental sanitation, WEDC conference 31st
situs WEDC (Water, Engineering and Development Centre) Lougborough University
844 kali
Safe water supplies and environmental sanitation are vital for protecting the environment, improving health, and alleviating poverty. Despite significant investment in this sector, however, the benefits do not always reach the poor and powerless, especially women and children.
This CD comprises the papers and discussion reports from the 31st WEDC International Conference which had as its focus the maximizing of benefits from water and environmental sanitation. The Conference provided a platform for the sharing of ideas and experiences, and enhancing the learning of professionals involved in the water and environmental sanitation sector in low- and middle-income countries. The main body of the Proceedings are arranged in sections based on the four discussion themes of environmental sanitation, institutional issues, water resources and water supply. Papers presented at the two specialist sessions Water and Sanitation for All and Training for Real have been grouped together and presented at the end.
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