Kategori Digilib
PPIAF Annual Report 2007: Helping to eliminate poverty and achieve sustainable development through public-private partnerships in infrastructure
USA, PPIAF (Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility) – The World Bank, 2008, 67 hal
USA, PPIAF (Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility) – The World Bank, 2008, 67 hal
Tahun Terbit
Th. 2008
Th. 2008
No. Klasifikasi
353.5 PUB p
353.5 PUB p
Kata Kunci
annual report, PPIAF, 2007
annual report, PPIAF, 2007
Perpustakaan AMPL
Perpustakaan AMPL
737 kali
737 kali
Daftar isi:
PPIAF at a glance
Message from the program manager
Overview of operations in 2007
- Distribution of PPIAF-funded activities
- Outcomes of PPIAF-funded activities
Regional and global activities in 2007
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Middle East and North Africa
- South Asia
- Central Asia and Europe
- East Asia and Pacific
- Latin America and The Caribbean
- Global Knowledge Management
- Outreach and Dissemination
Finances and Resource Mobilization
- Funding and Expenditure Structure
- Single audit process
1. Governance structure
2. Activities funded by PPIAF in fiscal 2007
3. Publications and resources
Acronyms and abbreviations