Kategori Digilib
Proceeding of Regional Consultation on Water and sanitation for Asian Cities, New Delhi, 10-11 April 2002
New Delhi, UN-Habitat, 2002, 60 hal
New Delhi, UN-Habitat, 2002, 60 hal
Tahun Terbit
Th. 2002
Th. 2002
No. Klasifikasi
623.854 UNI p
623.854 UNI p
Kata Kunci
prosiding, water & sanitation, Asian cities, New Delhi
prosiding, water & sanitation, Asian cities, New Delhi
Perpustakaan Direktorat Perumahan & Permukiman, Bappenas 114-03
Perpustakaan Direktorat Perumahan & Permukiman, Bappenas 114-03
713 kali
713 kali
Contents: Introduction Recommrndations Follow-up Actions Proceedings of Plenary and Working Group Sessions Annex I: Programme of Events Annex II: Addresses Delivered at the Inaugural Session Annex III: List of Participants