Public-Private Partnerships Infrastructure Projects in Indonesia

The government of Indonesia has obligation to provide infrastructure services to all Indonesian people across the country. The need of funds to comply with this obligation is enormous. The role of private sector in infrastructure funding is required to fulfill the financial gap in infrastructure provision.
However, the involvement of the private sector is not only fulfilling the gap. Professionalism is also another crucial aspect, especially in managerial skill and new technology adoption. The role of private sector in term of building and managing commercial infrastructure is inevitable, while building and managing non-commercial infrastructure as part of public utilities remains within government.

In order to facilitate more private participation in infrastructure provision and pursuant to Presidential Instruction No.5/2008 concerning Focus on Economic Program Years 2008-2009, National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) announces list of projects that will be developed under public-private partnerships scheme. This effort is a part of government commitment toward transparent and active participation of stakeholders in implementing national development plan.

Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) book is prepared in line with those ideas. National or international investors interested in developing PPP project in infrastructure provision can follow the progress of project preparation. If necessary, investors may communicate to the contact person mentioned in each project digest. They can evaluate and choose which project is suitable with their business interests. Finally, if investors interested in developing particular infrastructure project, they can participate in the tender process subject to the Presidential Regulation No.67/2005 concerning Cooperation between Government and Business Entity in the Provision of Infrastructure, in the spirit of fair competition, transparency and accountability.

In accordance to Law No.25/2004 concerning National Development Planning System, PPP Book nonetheless is a government plan. PPP book is a signal to the market concerning financial support needed from private sector to implement infrastructure development plan. PPP book is a foundation to enhance PPP in Indonesia for better governance and accelerate development results.

Table of Content:

Foreword from the Minister

Planning Document of Public-Private Partnership in Infrastructure Provision

Summary of Public-Private Partnership Infrastructure Projects

Table of Content

Toll Road
Marine Transportation
Water Supply

Toll Road
Water Supply

Toll Road
Air Transportation
Land Transportation
Marine Transportation
Water Supply