Kategori Digilib
Reform of Water Enterprises TA: 3782-INO (Final Report)
Indonesia, Asian Development Bank – Ministry of Settlements and Regional Infrastructure, Directorate General of Urban and Rural Development, June 2003
Indonesia, Asian Development Bank – Ministry of Settlements and Regional Infrastructure, Directorate General of Urban and Rural Development, June 2003
Tahun Terbit
Th. 2003
Th. 2003
No. Klasifikasi
363.61 ASI r
363.61 ASI r
Kata Kunci
water enterprises, report
water enterprises, report
Perpustakaan Direktorat Perumahan & Permukiman, Bappenas (118-03)
Perpustakaan Direktorat Perumahan & Permukiman, Bappenas (118-03)
730 kali
730 kali
Table of Contents: Glossary Map of Indonesia Executive Summary Chapter 1: Project Background Chapter 2: Present Situation Chapter 3: Mergers and Splitting of PDAMs Chapter 4: PDAM Reform Strategy Chapter 5: Pilot Studies Chapter 6: Project Sustainability Chapter 7: Private Sector Participation Chapter 8: PERPAMSI Chapter 9: Education and Training Chapter 10: Reform Recommendations Figures Tables Appendices