Regulatory systems and networking water utilities and regulatory bodies: Proceedings of the regional forum, Manila 26 - 28 March 2001

The regional forum noted that the main issues in the sector were low tariffs, a shortage of development funds, ineffective management, institutional deficiencies, and weak regulatory systems. Policy approaches advocated included the separation of policy, regulatory, and operating functions; undertaking economic regulation as a first priority; granting operators incentives to provide good service; and promoting private sector participation.

The forum agreed that regulator should ensure good governance, promote benchmarking of performance, protect consumers against monopoly power, implement the tariff policy, and enforce policy on coverege and service levels, especially for the poor. In establishing a regualtory body it was necessary to consider that there is no universal model and that regulation is an ever changing process. It was agreed that customers are the ultimate regulators, and that the most powerful regulatory tool is the availability of information.

These proceedings of the regional forum held in Manila from 26 - 28 March, 2001 on regulatory systems and networking of water utilities and regulatory bodies will be useful not only to the paticipants, but to the many consultants, funding agencies, government of ministries, and water utilities grappling with the new concept of regulatory bodies as a means of acheiving more autonomous and efficient water utilities in Asia.