Report Sanimas Outcome Monitoring Study: Report of Mandaran Rejo Village, Bugul Kidul Sub-District, Pasuruan, East Java, March 2006

The report of Outcome Monitoring Study of Sanimas Project is consisted of; 1) General description of location, describe about situation, orbitation, area width, demography, social-economics condition, social map, education level, infrastructure and facilities, 2) Study process, including all activity during study process, 3) Scope, covering status of community health, facility condition, institution and financial management, 4) Objective of Study, that is; to get the detailed understanding about community condition in Sanimas location, and to analyze the opportunity/resistance of Sanimas approach replication at wider scale. This report also mentions the perception of study team to Sanimas according to technical aspect, social, finance, environmental, institutional of community management, including of conclusion and recommendation for development of forwards.

Table of Contents:

Table of Contents
Executive Summary

I. General Description and Data of Community

II. Study Process in Location

III. Description of Community Health Condition

IV. Description of Sanitation Services

V. Description of Community Institutional

VI. Views of Study Team

VII. Conclusion and Recommendations

VIII. Attachment