Report Sanimas Outcome Monitoring Study (SOMS): Final Report, April 2006

This report was prepared to inform WASPOLA and other stakeholders of the process and results of the study activities conducted by Mitra Samya and YKSSI in implementing the Sanimas Outcome Monitoring Study in nine municipalities/districts (including two control locations) in the provinces of Bali and Jawa Timur.
This report consists of tn chapters: Introduction, Methodology, Study Implementation, Overview of the Study Locations, Sustainability and Use of Facilities, Financial Analysis, Impacts and Behavior Changes, Lessons Learned, Analysis of Findings for Implementation of Sanimas Replication, and Recommendations. This report also includes as appendices the transcripts of interviews with stakeholders in Sanimas development, including management organization managers, facilitators, support/implementing NGOs, municipal/district governments, and stakeholders at the national level.

Table of Content:

Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Terms and Abbreviations
Executive Summary

Chapter I. Introduction

Chapter II. Methodology

Chapter III. Implementation of SOMS

Chapter IV. Overview of the Study Locations

Chapter V. Sustainability and Use of Facilities

Chapter VI. Financial Analysis

Chapter VII. Impacts and Behavior Changes

Chapter VIII. Lessons Learned

Chapter IX. Analysis of Findings for Sanimas Replication

Chapter X. Recommendations
