Rural Water Supply & Sanitation in Bolivia: From Pilot Project to National Program

The lessons documented in this report are applicable to the development of large-scale rural water and sanitation projects in general. The overarching lesson is that demand-driven and sustainable investments require a coherent set of project rules that constitute the framework for all activities. These ules determine such criteria, levels of service, and responsibility for service delivery and operations and maintenance. The rules must create the right incentives to ensure that beneficiaries choose services they want and for which they are willing to pay.
This study offers an illustration of how these rules can be tested through a pilot project and developed through the preparation of a large investment program



Executive Summary

Part 1: Introduction

Part 2: The Pilot Project
- Project Design
- Project Rules
- Project Implementation
- Project Results
- Lessons from the Pilot Project

Part 3: The Evolution of a National Program
- Institutional Arrangements
- Establishing the Rules
- Sustainability
- Adaptive Project Design
- Lessons from PROSABAR

