Sanitation and Hygiene at the World Bank: An Analysis of Current Activities (Water Supply & Sanitation Working Notes No.6, October 2005)

This report reviews the current World Bank portfolio in sanitation and hygiene. The Bank’s sanitation activities, ranging from latrine promotion to the construction of wastewater treatment plants, address a number of development objectives including improved health, greater human dignity, and a more sustainable environment.
This report looks particularly closely at the degree to which tha Bank’s activities support the achievement of the Millenium Development Goal (MDG) target of halving the fraction of the World’s population without access to basic sanitation by 2015, and the constraints to increasing support to that aim.

Table of Contents:

Executive Summary

1.    Introduction
1.1    Purpose and Objectives of This Document
1.2    The Global MDG Sanitation Challenge
1.3    World Bank WSS Sector Board Mandate for Sanitation and Hygiene
1.4    The Bank’s Sanitation Portfolio and Its Relation to the MDG Target
1.5    Structure of This Document

2.    Sanitation and Hygiene Investments at The World Bank
2.1    Introduction
2.2    The Active World Bank Water Supply and Sanitation Portfolio
2.3    Methodology
2.4    Analysis of Total Bank Lending (All Sectors) on Sanitation
2.5    Analysis of Nondedicated Projects
2.6    Analysis of Dedicated Projects
2.7    Targeting, Composition, and Monitoring of the Sanitation Components
2.8    Summary of the Portfolio Review Findings

3.    Constraints to Bank Action in Sanitation and Hygiene for the Poor
3.1    External Constraints
3.2    Internal World Bank Constraints

4.    Immediate Next Steps
4.1    Expand the Sanitation Hygiene and Wastewater Advisory Service
4.2    Develop Global and Regional Guidance and Strategies for Sanitation and Hygiene
4.3    Develop Practice Monitoring of Sanitation Activities