Sanitation and Hygiene Behavioral Change: Strategy and Activities (Community Water Services and Health Project ADB Loan No.2163/2164 (SF) – INO)

Daftar Isi:

Abbreviations and Acronyms

A. Background

B. Legal Base

C. SHBC Component Scope and SHBC Programs of Other Donors

D. Target Groups

E. Strategy and Activities Planning
E.1 Sanitation and Hygiene Behavior Change in Communities
E.2 Community Led Total Sanitation
E.3 Sanitation and Hygiene School Program
E.4 Sanitation and Hygiene Behavior Change at Religious Facilities
E.5 Household Water Treatment

F. Links of the SHBC Component to Capacity Building

G. Action Plan
G.1 Sanitation and Hygiene Behavior Change in Communities
G.2 Sanitation and Hygiene School Program
G.3 Sanitation and Hygiene Behavior Change at Religious Facilities
G.4 Household Water Treatment

H. Concluding Remarks