Sector Brief Water and Sanitation

This sector review provides background concerning Indonesia’s Water and Sanitation sector. While water and sanitation policy is the responsibility of Central Government, it must be understood that supplying water and sanitation services is the responsibility of municipal governments throughout the archipelago. Water resource protection and allocation remain a Central Government responsibility  but resolution of disputes is often delegated to Provincial Government. It is Provincial Government who must provide resource allocation, resource protection and compliance with environmental regulations nationwide.
While this document provides an overall picture of water and sanitation needs in the sector, it is not intended to articulate the needs of every municipality and district in Indonesia. It should be used as an introduction to the sector alone. Further details on policies, programs, development and funding for improvements in the sector require a more detailed analysis in various sector locations.
The water and sanitation sector consists of water resources, water supply and sanitation. Each of these three sectors requires further qualification. For example, while water resources should encompass protection of watersheds and the environment, further water resource elements particular to Indonesia cannot be ignored. These elements may include downstream water usage, effluent discharges to waterways and irrigation, forestry protection, aquifer protection and other water resource elements.


1.    Introduction

2.    Overview of the Regulatory Framework

3.    Overview of the sector
3.1    Water Resources
3.2    Water and Sanitation

4.    Public Private Partnerships