Kategori Digilib
Security and Emergency Planning for Water and Wastewater Utilities
States, Stanley
USA, American Water Works Association (AWWA), 290 hal, 2010
27 Mei 2010
363.6 STA s
Complex Emergency, Critical Infrastructure, Disaster Risk Management, Water
776 kali
This book gives expert guidance on all issues regarding security and emergency preparedness and response of water supply infrastructures. It addresses vulnerability assessment, revised procedures to improve response to emergencies, and premises security. It is intended at water and wastewater utility managers.
Topics covered include: (i) Types of intentional and natural threats to water and wastewater systems; (ii) Actual incidents in which biotoxins, infectious microbes, industrial and weaponized chemicals, and radioactive materials were used in the contamination of drinking water supplies; (iii) US federal legislation and regulation of utility security and emergency preparedness; (iv) The Water Sector Specific Plan; (v) Vulnerability assessment information, software, and tools for utilities; (vi) Risk mitigation by physical systems, operational measures, policies and procedures, and contamination warning systems; (vii) Response to incidents and threats; (viii) Emergency management; (ix) Contamination analysis; (x) Emergency response training; (xi) Emergency communications with the public; (xii) Remediation and recovery; and (xiii) Response to pandemic flu outbreaks.
To order, visit www.awwa.org