Smart Water Solutions: Examples of Innovative, low-cost technologies for wells, pumps, storage, irrigation and water treatment

This booklet on water, like its counterpart Smart Sanitation Solutions, gives examples of innovations such as the use of sunlight to purify water, effective low-cost water filters, low-cost drip irrigation and locally produced hand pumps that are five time cheaper than imported pumps. By using these technologies, poor rural families can double or even triple their annual income. The technologies described are a source of inspiration.

Table of Contents:

Why this publication

For Water Supply and Poverty Alleviation, technology can make a difference

Baptist / Emas well drilling
Rota-sludge well drilling
Stone-hammer well drilling
Bamboo screens

Treadle pumps
Rope pumps
PVC pumps / Deep well pumps
Fuel efficient motor pumps
Motorised deep well pumps
Horse and wind powered pumps

Underground tanks
Austra-Nica wire-cement tanks
Plastic lined tanks

Lay-flat hose
Pepsi drip / Easy drip
Nica drip

SODIS (Solar Disinfection)
CSP (Ceramic Silver impregnated Pot) Filter
Safe Water Systems