SNV Asia: Connecting Peoples Capacities for Sustainable and Equitable Access to Improved Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

Access to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) is  a precondition for good health, well being and economic development.
SNV’s WASH Programme is aligned with the MDG 7 and the National Development Frameworks of all countries in which we work. SNV supports the Right to Water and Sanitation as a fundamental Human Right.
SNV provides technical assistance and capacity building support to local organisations from the public, private, and non-government sectors in their efforts to achieve quality impacts in WASH. Our objective is to increase sustainability, equity and scale of access to WASH in rural areas and small towns for one million people in the coming three years.
SNV is dedicated to a society where all people enjoy the freedom to pursue their own sustainable development. The advisors contribute to this by strengthening the capacities of local organisations.


Why Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

How do we work

Where do we work

Who do we work with

What services do we provide