Kategori Digilib
Summary Facilitation of Community Based WSES Policy Implementation at the Province and Districts
WASPOLA, 2005, 14 hal
WASPOLA, 2005, 14 hal
Tahun Terbit
Th. 2005
Th. 2005
No. Klasifikasi
371.37 WAS s
371.37 WAS s
Kata Kunci
summary, facilitation, WSES, policy implementation
summary, facilitation, WSES, policy implementation
Perpustakaan AMPL
Perpustakaan AMPL
713 kali
713 kali
Table of Contents:
Table of Content
Description of Strategy
A Dynamic of Policy Implementation Facilitation Approach
Steps of Facilitation for Policy Implementation
Content of Facilitation
WASPOLA team for Policy Implementation
Road Mapping Policy Operationalisation 2005 for Achieving MDGs Target 2015
Performance of Policy Implementation by Province
Performance of Policy Implementation by District
Event of Policy Implementation