Verification of Arsenic Mitigation Technologies and Field Test Methods: Report of an Intercountry Consultation Kolkata, India, 9-12 December 2002

The consultation was convened by the WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia in Kolkata, India, between 9-12 December 2002. It was hosted by the Government of India and the State Government of West Bengal.
The general objectives of the meeting were, to provide technical guidance on the development of verification protocols for arsenic removal technologies and field testing methods for arsenic in drinking water.
Participants included senior government officials and water supply experts from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Myanmar and Thailand as well as a number of experts from outside the SEA Region. The programme of meeting, and the list of participants is given in Annexes  1 and 2 respectly.


1. Background and Objectives
2. Inauguration
3. Plenary Session: Technologies for Arsenic Mitigation
4. Panel Discussion on Field Test Kits for Arsenic Detection
5. Video Conference on USEPA Environmental Technology Verification Programme
6. National Protocols for Verification of Arsenic Mitigation Technologies and Field Test Methods
7. Field Trip
8. Conclusions and Recommendations
9. Closing


1. Programme
2. List of Participants
3. National Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Protocols for Arsenic Removal Technologies
4. National Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Protocols for Arsenic Field Test Methods
5. Kolkata Declaration on Verification of Arsenic Mitigation Technologies and Field Test Methods