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Water and Sanitation Program (Program Info Materials) > Phil.Sanitation Sourcebook and Decision Aid > Challenges and Lessons in Organizing Local Service Delivery Associations (The Case of Water)
WSP – World Bank - GTZ
14 Juli 2008
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CD, water and sanitation, case studies, factsheets, FAQS, product sheet
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735 kali
CD ini berisi kumpulan best practices, factsheet, FAQs, dan product sheet yang berhubungan dengan water supply and sanitation di Filipina. Selain itu dalam CD ini juga terdapat sanitation sourcebook dan case of water (masalah seputar air) dalam bentuk pdf, serta film singkat mengenai UDDT (Urine Diversion Dehydration Toilet).
Daftar Isi:
A. Program Information Materials
- Best Practices, Success Stories:
Learning by Sharing (Philippine Portal on Water Supply and Sanitation/ Watsan)
People Make Technologies (Sustainable Sanitation)
Putting it All Together (Water Supply and Sanitation Toolbox)
Together is Better (Philippine Water Supply Sector Roadmap)
- Factsheets
Factsheet – Ecosan_HBK (Ecological Sanitation)
Factsheet – Water Program_HBK (Formulation of price mechanisms for improved raw water management)
Solid Waste Management (Solid Waste Management Program for Local Government Units / SWM4LGUs)
- FAQs
Constructed Wetlands (A Sustainable Option for Wastewater Treatment in the Philippines)
Water Supply and Sanitation Toolbox
- Product sheets
Wastewater Treatment Plant: Final Component of the Integrated Management Schemen for Small and Medium Scale Slaughterhouses
Sustainable Sanitation_Appropriate Solutions: Constructed Wetlands
Sustainable Sanitation_Appropriate Solutions: Urine Diversion Dehydration Toilet (UDDT)
Philippine Portal for the Water Supply and Sanitation Sector
B. Sanitation Sourcebook
C. The Case of Water (Challenges Organizing and Lessons in Local Service Delivery Associations: The Case of Water)
D. UDDT Flash Presentation