Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation Practices in Indonesia

This document provides summary of a few practices in Indonesia. We divided it into three sections. The first section describes national community-based project activities, the secong section illustrates other community-based practices from smaller-scale programmes, and the third section describes some institutional-based programmes.



I. National Programs on Community-Based Practices
- ProAir

II. Community-Based Practices
- Banjar Batur –Bali
- Cibodas – West Java
- Medan – North Sumatera
- Muara Enim – South Sumatera
- Petojo Utara – Jakarta
- Lessons Learned from Community-Based Practices

III. Institutional-Based Practices
- PDAM Tirta Pakuan, Bogor City – West Java
- PDAM of Pemalang District – Central Java
- Lessons Learned from Institutional-Based Practices